
Senin, 05 Maret 2012


Sebuah dependent clause biasa nya digunakan sebagai kata sifat dalam suatu kalimat. Juga dikenal sebagai Adjective Clause atau relative clause.
Sebuah Adjective Clause biasanya diawali dengan kata ganti penghubung / relative pronoun (which, that, who, whom, whose), sebuah kata keterangan relative / relative adverb (where, when, why), atau relative nol / zero relative.

Pola Adjective Clause :
relative pronoun or adverb + subject + verb + …
relative pronoun as subject + verb + …

Whose big, brown eyes pleaded for another cookie
Whose = relative pronoun; eyes = subject; pleaded = verb.

Why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie
Why = relative adverb; Fred = subject; can stand = verb [not, an adverb, is not officially part of the verb].

That bounced across the kitchen floor
That = relative pronoun functioning as subject; bounced = verb.

Who hiccupped for seven hours afterward
Who = relative pronoun functioning as subject; hiccupped = verb.

Ada dua tipe dasar Adjective Clause :
1.      Nonrestrictive atau Nonessential Adjective Clause. Clause ini hanya memberi informasi tambahan tentang noun / kata benda . Dalam kalimat :
“My older brother's car, which he bought two years ago, has already needed many repairs”.
Adjectice clause pada “which he bought two years ago” adalah nonrestrictive atau tidak penting. Ini menyediakan informasi tambahan.

2.      Restrictive atau essential adjective clause. Menawarkan informasi [penting] dan diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan pemikiran kalimat itu. Dalam kalimat :
“The room that you reserved for the meeting is not ready”.
Adjective clause pada “that you reserved for the meeting” sangat penting karena membatasi yang kamar.

Berdasarkan pada the Antecedent  yang ditunjuk oleh introductory words (kata-kata pendahulunya), Adjective Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 2 macam, yaitu:

1.    Relative Pronoun
Adalah Adjective Clause dengan memakai kata penghubung Relative Pronoun.

The boy is called Bob. He gave me a present

         The boy who gave me a present is called Bob. atau
         The boy who is called Bob gave me a present.

Beberapa contoh Adjective Clause :

         The boy whose radio was stolen is a student.
         The girl whom I gave a special reward is a bright student
         The bike which I borrowed last week was sold.

2.    Relative Adverb
Pelajaran tentang ini dibahas lebih lengkap pada Relative
Clause. Hal-hal yang perlu ditambahkan di sini,yaitu :

1.      Kata Why (yang menunjukkan alasan) yang menjadi Adverb penghubung, mungkin (kadangkadang) dapat digantikan dengan that atau kadang-kadang dapat dihilangkan dalam kalimat.

         The reason (that) I came should be obvious to you.
         The reason (why) I came should be obvious to you.
         The reason I came should be obvious to you.

2.      When atau Where sering dapat ditukarkan dengan Preposition yang menunjukkan tempat (apreposition of Place) ditambah dengan Which.

         The small town in which (= where) I was born has grown to a large metropolis.
         The day on which (= when) they were to leave finally arrived.

Kadang-kadang that dapat menggantikan where atau when.

         The day that (or when, on which) the trial was to take place was a stormy one.
         Please suggest a good place that (or where) we can meet

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